Looking back when I first started 23 things I was a little frightened that I would not be able to accomplish a majority of them. I was excited that I was going to at least be able to try to learn them even if I didn’t achieve all 23 of them. I remember the first 2 things I was excited that I could do them. I can honestly say that I never got the full idea of blogging until these lessons. I used eboards a few years ago when it was free and really liked the layout of their site. Then I really thought I was good when I created a website on Teacher web. I used teacherweb for about 3 years until this year when our school gave us a district website to use. The site they gave us is much harder to manage than teacherweb and I find it hard to make the time to update it. I like the idea of blogs and wikis and plan to use them next year with my students. I was excited when they offered free to educators a free protected wiki. The part I didn’t like about the wikis was that anyone could edit them. As time went on I found it helpful to review and check out blogs from other learners of 23 Things. I spent the last 2 weeks reading over other people blogs now that I had completed the 23 Things. I learned a lot from them. I went back and added something’s to my posts. Example for Thing 19 I just listed my username and after looking at others I went back and listed the actual link to my deli.icio.us like they had done. I really enjoyed B.C. Ben Cetera. I like his idea of posting his viewers blogs that commented on his blog. Thought that next time you do this you might want to have each person post on the directions post of the thing #blog page as they completed each thing. It might be helpful to look at other blogs for help if needed.
Using RSS was totally new to me. I had never used them before.
I like the way you set up each thing and thought it went well from one thing lesson to the next. I enjoyed the photos and images and found it to be the easiest because I use the computer to do a lot with photos.
I think I have the bare basics down on the Wikis but would like to learn more and do more with them. Maybe have a hands on person teaching all the tricks and ins and outs on how to master the art of wikis. Look at B.C. Ben Cetera wikis.It is so creative. I lack the creativity and have a hard time thinking out of the box. I tend to be too traditional and not enough digital.
I didn’t have a clue to the social bookmarking. Just before I signed up for 23 things I found a site called Keep and share. I really liked this site because I could bookmark my sites and use them from home and work. I like the trialfire and delicious but I can’t use them as easily at work. I was able to get the delicious downloaded by our tech person on two computers that I often use at school.
I think that is the most dishearten thing about the use of Web 2.0. They want us to teach it and use it but they restrict it. I do understand the reasoning behind it, I just wish there was a way to filter out all the bad and use the good. I guess that is were the blogs and wikis come into play but that is only safe way to present. We need a safe way to search and surf.
Podcast really interests me. I was disappointed that we were not going to create a podcast. I really want to learn more about them so I have signed up for your in-service this summer to learn to create one.
This has been a wonderful journey and I am so glad I signed up for this online course. I would recommend that every teacher take this because the tools learned here can be used in all subject areas.
I think the timing of this in-service was great because I can work on using these things for next year during this summer while it is all fresh in my mind.
I hope you keep the site up so we can refer back to it. You might also want to inform others that you are offering a Podcast in-service to learn to create one this summer.
I am going to miss learning something new each week. I really looked forward the each lesson and it became a part of my daily routine to come home and work on a lesson each night. I am glad I took time to read other peoples blogs after I finished my 23 Things. I learned different perspectives from reading them.
Thanks for this wonderful journey of 23 Things and let me know if you have 23 more Things to offer. I did look at the 43 Things but would be more motivated to do it this way.Don’t forget to give us information on SBCEUs.
Using RSS was totally new to me. I had never used them before.
I like the way you set up each thing and thought it went well from one thing lesson to the next. I enjoyed the photos and images and found it to be the easiest because I use the computer to do a lot with photos.
I think I have the bare basics down on the Wikis but would like to learn more and do more with them. Maybe have a hands on person teaching all the tricks and ins and outs on how to master the art of wikis. Look at B.C. Ben Cetera wikis.It is so creative. I lack the creativity and have a hard time thinking out of the box. I tend to be too traditional and not enough digital.
I didn’t have a clue to the social bookmarking. Just before I signed up for 23 things I found a site called Keep and share. I really liked this site because I could bookmark my sites and use them from home and work. I like the trialfire and delicious but I can’t use them as easily at work. I was able to get the delicious downloaded by our tech person on two computers that I often use at school.
I think that is the most dishearten thing about the use of Web 2.0. They want us to teach it and use it but they restrict it. I do understand the reasoning behind it, I just wish there was a way to filter out all the bad and use the good. I guess that is were the blogs and wikis come into play but that is only safe way to present. We need a safe way to search and surf.
Podcast really interests me. I was disappointed that we were not going to create a podcast. I really want to learn more about them so I have signed up for your in-service this summer to learn to create one.
This has been a wonderful journey and I am so glad I signed up for this online course. I would recommend that every teacher take this because the tools learned here can be used in all subject areas.
I think the timing of this in-service was great because I can work on using these things for next year during this summer while it is all fresh in my mind.
I hope you keep the site up so we can refer back to it. You might also want to inform others that you are offering a Podcast in-service to learn to create one this summer.
I am going to miss learning something new each week. I really looked forward the each lesson and it became a part of my daily routine to come home and work on a lesson each night. I am glad I took time to read other peoples blogs after I finished my 23 Things. I learned different perspectives from reading them.
Thanks for this wonderful journey of 23 Things and let me know if you have 23 more Things to offer. I did look at the 43 Things but would be more motivated to do it this way.Don’t forget to give us information on SBCEUs.
Congratulations! Absolutedly loved reading your blog as you went through this journey!
Your last post raises issues that many teachers have mentioned -- filtering and keeping kids safe. There are no easy answers. What we at RESA think is important is that we all start having the conversations about how to best handle these issues while making sure we engage our digital age students.
I hope you are movitated to keep learning. Remember, the Web 2.0 world always changes.
Well done!
I really did enjoy my journey. I do plan to look for ways to use this things in my classroom. I am blessed to have great administration to work for, so I know they will help with the blocked issues the best they can.
My son (14) just informed me while I was complaining that I can never read the word verification codes
that if you click on the handicapped symbol it will tell you what the letters are. Ok I tried it and well for me it sounded like it was reading my comment but it was hard to understand.
There you go!
Thanks again.
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