Monday, April 14, 2008

Thing 2 Post

I was so excited about starting to blog that I didn’t pay attention to the full assignment.

I am participating in 23 things to help me become a more techno teacher.
I hope to learn some insight as how to use technology in my classroom.
I want to keep my students engaged in learning and like the video said bring some richness into my classroom. I think my students would pass out if I said pull out your cell phones for this next lesson. The only downfall is that not all of my students have cell phones. I know that is hard to believe but it is true.

I am interested in learning about podcasting and creating and using youtube. Our school computers block out youtube for the students but we can sometime access it on a teacher log in.

I am from the old school and typing on the computer off the top of my head is not the easiest for me. My thoughts get ahead of my typing skills. I like to write on paper and then type so it is really different for me just to type and then post.
I think I will enjoy the post or comments back the most. It is different not knowing who is posting but I look forward to it.

I am not worried about who will read my posts because I have control over what I write. I think when we put things in writing we have to be careful not to come across with a negative or bad tone in our writing. Sometimes words on paper sound different than words in person.
I am looking forward to learning 23 things and I hope it doesn’t get too difficult as time goes on. I was not sure where to find the “participants blogs but I found them today. So I was excited. I learned the page you create or log onto on your own blog is different. So I am learning. Looking forward to thing 3

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