Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thing 4

Thing 4

It is amazing how much it out there on the web. I think RSS is a great tool to help organize your favorites. For me I might be able to get to them more because they are in one place. There just isn’t enough hours in the day to spend reading all the blogs available. Even having them in one place during the school year I can see time as an issue. Maybe in the summer I could enjoy blogging and reading blogs more.
Having this tool will definitely make it easier to spend more time reading then trying to surf to find your favorites.
Setting up account was easy with the help of the video clips.

Thing 3 Survey:
Tally on my survey. 1. 5 out of 40 have phones but can’t send text messages.
2. 35 out of 40 have a computer with internet access at home. 3. 36 out of 40 know how to send text messages. 4. 34 out of 40 have email accounts. 5. 26 out of 40 have myspace accounts. 6. 26 out of 40 use Instant messaging. 7. 15 out of 40 have blogs that are not myspace. 8. 20 out of 40 blog on other sites.
Finding or Conclusion: Not all students have computers and cell phones so this could be an issue at some point.


RESA 23Things said...

Very interesting survey results... what grade level?

L. Stack said...

I teach 9 - 12 grade special ed.